House System
Bedford’s House System was established in 2010 to create even smaller communities within our larger student body, to help students experience a greater sense of belonging as part of a team, and to foster character development. Students are assigned to one of six houses, each named after an adult who struggled with characteristics of learning differences yet persevered - Churchill House, Disney House, Edison House, Einstein House, Patton House, & Pinkney House. Each house has a designated quotation, Latin motto, & color that is displayed on its flag and t-shirt. The leadership for each house consists of a Faculty House Leader who leads all House meetings and serves with other assigned teachers as Faculty Mentors to their house students. Two middle school students in each house are also appointed as House Prefects or captains.

Houses compete for points in several ways: percentage of students in each house earning honor roll, students in the house displaying good behavior & citizenship, completion of service projects, attendance at designated athletic & fine arts events, students’ & parents’ participation in school activities, and taking part in house tournaments and other competitions throughout the school year. Houses compete for “House of the Month” and the overall “House of the Year”. The flag of the “House of the Month” is prominently displayed in the front lobby of the school, and the name of the “House of the Year” is engraved yearly on Bedford’s “House Cup”.
- 2010-2011 House of the Year: PATTON HOUSE • 2011-2012 House of the Year: EDISON HOUSE
- 2012-2013 House of the Year: CHURCHILL HOUSE • 2013-2014 House of the Year: EINSTEIN HOUSE
- 2014-2015 House of the Year: WILSON HOUSE • 2015-2016 House of the Year: WILSON HOUSE
- 2016-2017 House of the Year: CHURCHILL HOUSE • 2017-2018 House of the Year: EDISON HOUSE
- 2018-2019 House of the Year: CHURCHILL HOUSE • 2019-2020 House of the Year: CHURCHILL HOUSE
- 2020-2021 House of the Year: DISNEY HOUSE • 2021-2022 House of the Year: PATTON HOUSE
- 2022-2023 House of the Year: PINKNEY HOUSE • 2023-2024 House of the Year: PATTON HOUSE

Bedford's Houses:
- color: yellow
- quote: “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”
- Latin motto: Possunt quia posse videntor (They can because they think they can.)
- color: blue
- quote: “All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.”
- Latin motto: Crede quod habes et habes (Believe that you have it and you do.)
- color: orange
- quote: “Your worth consists in what you are and not in what you have.”
- Latin motto: Ex aequo et bono (According to what is just and good.)
- color: purple
- quote: “ In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
- Latin motto: Ad astra per aspera (To the stars, through difficulty.)
- color: red
- quote: “If a man does his best, what else is there?”
- Latin motto: Facta non verba (Deeds, not words.)
- color: green
- quote: “Be curious. Do not be afraid to try.”
- Latin motto: Aut viam inveniam faciam. (I will find a way or make one.)